Not sure what has been driving this return to the written word, maybe it’s been the pandemic where many of us have had a little more time to not just think of others but to act on our thoughts. I have called this pandemic time that we have all been through, for me, as a time of ‘reconnecting’ and personalizing. I’ve loved receiving all of the hand-written messages and look forward to work on doing more of this myself, as I have NOT historically been good at this. It appears that many of you feel the same way as this appears to becoming a trend! We all give and receive many electronic messages, especially thank you’s, and that is perfectly acceptable as it has become the norm. However, I hope you will follow my lead and surprise someone with a special note. Here is an example that some friends of mine have been working on……hope you like!
Welcome all to Animal Kisses and Well Wishes! Animal Kisses is a father-daughter owned shop in Austin, Texas specializing in an array of colorful foil-pressed paper goods. They offer foil-pressed stationery, newborn announcements and invitations and their most recent addition…..holiday cards in their signature foil-trim. Check out their website to order as did I, any of these selections….http://www.animalkissesandwellwishes.com

Jessica, is the founder, designer, wife and Momma to Remy and Mitchell.