Last Sunday, March 13, 2022, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston welcomed an exciting and unique exhibit. Virtual Realities: The Art of M.C. Escher from the Michael S. Sachs Collection, displays the largest and most comprehensive exhibition of artist M.C. Escher’s works. Owning 90% of the Escher estate and having gathered works for over 50 years, collector Michael S. Sachs holds the largest Escher collection in the world.
Who is M.C. Escher?
Hand with Reflecting Sphere. January 1935, lithograph. Self Portrait. November 1923, woodcut.
Maurits Cornelis Escher (Dutch, 1898-1972), popularly referred to as M.C. Escher, was considered a “one-man art movement.” Escher’s art connects with branches of math and science, found much appreciation during the psychedelic era of the 70s, and remains celebrated today for the optical illusions and mental puzzles. MFAH’s own Gary Tinterow (Director) and Margaret Alkek Williams (Chair) label Escher as “an artist who defies characterization” with works that “have rightfully become icons of the 20th century.”
Did you know? Escher found undeniable inspiration in the landscape and architecture of Italy. When traveling through Italy in 1922, he discovered his love of mountainous regions, such as the Abruzzo region, the Amalfi Coast and Tuscany. Much of Escher’s Italian imagery can be seen in the exhibit.
Tower Babel. February 1928, woodcut. Bonifacio, Corsica. October 1928, woodcut. Street in Scanno, Abruzzi. January 1930, lithograph. Atrani, Coast of Amalfi. August 1931, lithograph. San Michele dei Frisoni, Rome. June 1932, lithograph.
I’m fascinated by how Escher’s mind worked. No one can ever duplicate Escher.
Michael Sachs, Collector and Owner
Print Gallery. May 1956, lithograph. Still Life with Spherical Mirror. November 1934, lithograph.
The Exhibit
Organized by MFAH curator Dena M. Woodall, the exhibit holds the world’s largest and most comprehensive display of Escher’s works. As collector Michael Sachs says, “it is not normal that such an enormous portion of the lifetime work of an artists is in one place, at one time, owned by one person.” He’s right on that one! That abnormality is only part of what makes this exhibit so intriguing. If you take the audio tour, which I highly recommend you do, you’ll learn in detail about the fascinating how and why behind Escher’s works.
The more you study Escher, the more you realize there’s a playfulness to it and that he’s in awe of the natural world and everything that it could create.
Dr. Sal Laquinta, who’s studied Escher’s work for the past 20 years
Relativity. July 1953, lithograph. Bond of Union. April 1956, lithograph.
Escher’s works take you to another world – a world you won’t want to leave. As you observe the geometric optical illusions, playful use of space, and mathematical patterns, you discover Escher’s thought process behind the final products. You’ll even learn how Escher’s works still inspires and influences modern artwork. The exhibit includes everything from quick sketches to ornate final prints that span Escher’s entire artistic career and life. As the curators warned all of us that attended the preview, beware, this is a lot of art and a lot of Escher to absorb…….”take your time and if possible plan more than one visit”. There are approximately 11 rooms at MFAH of Escher’s works with a beautifully curated pop-up at the end of the exhibit, beautifully curated for the Museum Store by Chris Goins. And yes, there are even more works that don’t fit on display, if you can imagine that.

Stay For Awhile
After you enjoy the exhibit, head over to Le Jardinier for a bite to eat! Le Jardinier has stayed on-theme and brought “a special menu inspired by the many complex and monochromatic artworks” found in the exhibit. Pictured to the right, these specialty menu items look delicious! The “Our Checkered Past” cocktail, featuring Rum paired with notes of coconut and pineapple, combines Escher’s artistic style with some French perspective.
Sky and Water I. June 1983, woodcut. Photo courtesy of Le Jardinier MFAH.
See You There!
Virtual Realities: The Art of M.C. Escher from the Michael S. Sachs Collection will be open until September 5, 2022. Do not miss your chance to see this amazing collection…….at least once!