It has been quite awhile for me to have been in one place as I have now…..in fact, if someone had said to me that I could not leave my apartment for three weeks, I wouldn’t have believed it was possible! However, these are not ordinary times and the reality is that we have taken social distancing seriously in our house and rarely venture out these days, and are relying on many different devices for our communication with the world……giving us access to social media and now our newest virtual friend, ZOOM! However, for those get-away moments these days we do regularly take advantage of one place that we would love to share if you are not already using it and that is our beautiful Hermann Park where we run to for our much needed mental health breaks each day!
Not sure what we would do, without looking forward to our daily trecks to that amazing green space that is nestled between the temporarily quieted and serene Museum District and the hustle and bustle of the Texas Medical Center that is, unfortunately, all abuzz these days.
The Hermann Park Conservancy and the park staff, who has suffered reductions as the rest of the world has, of late, is doing an amazing job of keeping the gardens trimmed, beautiful and clean. The McGovern Centennial Gardens are “glorious” to quote Doreen Stoller, of the HPC, who has partnered with Deborah Duncan on access to this beautiful space for her Great Day Houston morning show that has gotten rave reviews from her audience!
A fun fact that I missed at the beginning of all of this is that they are also servicing the Pinewood Cafe from 11-5 daily so if you are in the park you might want to do take-out from there as well as the many other dining spots we are supporting in our city!
The beauty of Hermann Park is its size and how because of that you can enjoy different areas each visit and practice social distancing while taking in the beauty of nature and see the activity of others. You know that feeling of being together while still alone! As you scroll down you can follow my own virtual tour of some of our favorite places that we walk…..
The Main Gateway and McGovern Lake

The McGovern Centennial Gardens

The Japanese Zen Gardens

Below are some details from the Hermann Park Conservancy on how you can best enjoy the park during this time…..
Here’s what we are doing.
Throughout the Park:
- Sanitizing and cleaning high-touch surfaces and restrooms on a regular basis.
- Drinking fountains are closed.
- Restrooms remain open for visitors to use and, most importantly, wash their hands.
- For your safety, Hermann Park Railroad and the pedal boats are closed.
- Pinewood Cafe is open for takeout only, 11 am to 5 pm.
In McGovern Centennial Gardens, we are:
- Removing the patio furniture for visitors’ health and safety.
- The Mount and the circular walkway to the top are closed.
- Staying open from 9 am to 7 pm.
We hope to stay open during this time to provide a place of solace and relaxation. That said, we need YOUR help in keeping Hermann Park a safe space for everyone.
Here’s what you can do:
- Please maintain a six-foot distance from others.
- Visit the Park by yourself, or with your family. Do not come in groups.
- Wash your hands. Restrooms remain open for this reason.
- If you are feeling sick, please DO NOT visit the Park at this time.
Certainly being a part of the Hermann Park Conservancy for the last decade has made me acutely more aware of this beautiful place and that is why I wish to share it now. If you aren’t as lucky as me and can’t walk there, you should know that it’s a quick drive and parking is plentiful (the Zoo parking lot for one!) I suggest that you take a look through some of my own personal photos below and invite you to visit the Hermann Park Facebook Page, or the Conservancy website here, (http://hermannpark.org) for more information.