We are in the home stretch! Of what, you ask? The barrage of political ads, debates, jabs and the flurry of fliers (which I hope you are recycling) will come to an end next week. The election is finally upon us and your voice must be heard. Please GO VOTE!
Now some of you may fall into the blue, some into the red, maybe some right in the ‘purple’ middle. No matter where your loyalties lie, your makeup can show your side with pride! You didn’t really think I was going to talk politics, did you? Of course I am here to talk beauty and how to align your eye makeup with your vote.
True Blue
Obviously, you will be wearing a mask to vote (right?!) so the eyes take center stage in hues of indigo. While blue eyeshadow might have you thinking of the 80s, today’s take of a strong sapphire lid is bold and beautiful.

Jeffree Star Blue Blood Palette

Huda Beauty Obsessions Eye Shadow Palette in Sapphire

Roses Are Red
So if you lean red, this shade can actually be trickier to wear around the eyes. The trick is to go bold otherwise you end up looking like a rabbit. My fave palettes also have a few shades of rust and orange because… well, you know.

Urban Decay Naked Heat Eyeshadow Palette

Purple Rain
Finding yourself right in the middle on this election? If so, shades of plum should be your choice when you head out to the polls. Did I already say ‘Go Vote?’!

Anastasia Norvina Pro Pigment Palette

Violet Voss Sweet Violet Eyeshadow Palette

Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Flash
There are only a few days left to early vote and I highly recommend it. My husband and I went a few days ago and we were in and out in 15 minutes. They gave us an amazing single-use ‘I Voted’ paper stylus to cast our vote, everyone wore masks and distanced, it was all safe and sanitary. So one more time for those in the back, please go vote, and look great while doing so!