by Catherine Kruppa MS,RD,CSSD,LD for Advice for Eating.com
Eating right, staying active and boosting your immune system should not be ignored during this hectic holiday season. This is when we are most likely to overindulge, skip exercise, and stray from our normal daily routine.
A little thought and mindfulness can go a long way! Rather than focusing on losing weight or a specific goal, focus on maintaining the health and progress you have worked so hard to build over the year. Those that are proactive and make a small plan for how they will handle the holidays, often feel more confident, make better choices, and get back on track easier and quicker than those who do not.
Here are some tips and tricks to the holiday season:
1. Avoid skipping meals to save calories!
Instead, eat your normal meals before having your holiday meal. This will help prevent you from overeating later, as well as missing out on the more nutrient dense foods you have at other meals.
2. Take control of the choices you do have!
Holiday foods are once a year favorites, do not feel like you need to skip them to be healthy! Enjoy a portion and move back to your normal eating schedule the next day!
3. Increase your antioxidant intake.
Free-radicals are harmful byproducts created in our body from the breakdown of food. Antioxidants, on the other hand, are nutrients in certain foods that help minimize the free-radical damage to our bodies by removing them or lowering their production. A diet rich in antioxidants can help prevent the development of disease and overall helps our body defend against potential illnesses.

4. Build the right plate.
Divide your plate in half and fill one half with vegetables. For the other half, fill a quarter with protein and the other quarter carbohydrates. This can help you enjoy everything you want without overdoing it!
5. Stick to one plate.
After you have your plate with a little of everything you want, try to resist the urge for seconds and thirds! Save your second plate for your next meal.

6. Pace your drinks.
Pace yourself and stay hydrated. Drink a glass of water in between alcoholic beverages. Add sparkling water into a wine glass when it is time to hydrate, add some berries, pomegranate seeds or fresh herbs to make it more exciting!
7. Avoid skipping exercise, it can be your best friend during this time.
Aim to stick to your regular exercise routine. This will help prevent weight gain, decrease stress, increase your mood, as well as circulation of those healthy immune cells!
Easy Holiday Swaps
Swaps are a great way to improve the nutrient density of a meal while still maintaining a similar taste and texture. They are also convenient for curbing cravings and can come in handy if you forgot an ingredient at the store.
Try swapping:
· Bread stuffing for a veggie-based stuffing
· White flour for whole wheat flour or nut flour
· Oil or butter for applesauce or mashed banana
· White potato for cauliflower
· Apple pie for cinnamon roasted apples
· Sugar for coconut sugar, stevia, honey, maple syrup, or molasses
We all want to enjoy the holidays and live a healthy, happy life. A little planning and a couple tips can help make the juggling act a little easier!
In addition to food, remember that our family and friends also boost our immune system by making us happy. So, make it a priority to spread joy and cheer this holiday season to the people in your life, whether it is virtually or in person. Make time for the those you love, including yourself, and you will be positively rewarded in health!
Which idea can you make a tradition for your holiday season?