First of all, to those of you that I have not reached through social media, I want to wish for you a New Year filled with happiness, prosperity and most importantly the best of health for you and for those you love. At MRG, we stepped away for a few days to recharge our batteries, reflect on the past year and wipe the slate clean as we approach a new year where we will continue on a journey of change both professionally and personally for me and my family. Included in that change is some fresh new ideas we will be sharing with you in the coming months.
As I mentioned in my previous holiday post, (sorry if I’m too repetitive but it has been a huge transition for us), it is still a time of transition for Alan and I and our family as we work toward the process of living in our new family home. Holidays have been a definite eye-opener……example, never found my Christmas china…..will show up somewhere!!? Ha! We are loving our simpler lifestyle of our new “home in the sky”! I know it will be great for us. I’m officially working from home now, which has been a much needed transition and all is good and set in motion to continue my ‘year of change’. I have more than ever taken on the challenge of making very specific goals and plans for the new year. I’m not a big one for the word, resolution…I make them and try to follow them but for the largest part it’s goals, professional and personal that will lead me into the New Year!
About my family…….well, my daughter, Crystin made the move back to H-town and is enjoying a fab new living space and an awesome new job for World Petroleum Congress, Organizing Committee. As for my daughter, Nicole Graham and her husband Mike, they have worked very hard in their chicken business and have multiple irons in the fire for the coming year. They are on the move to build on their recent success with the Garden Hen,, Life Cycle Chicken Curriculum for Schools, Chicken Chew, City Chickens and let’s say “all things chicken”and are looking to have a great year. They are doing this all the while they have had quite the transition year themselves……. their oldest, Haylie, has settled into her new high school and the two littles, Harper and Harley, with Harper becoming a ‘big girl’ and in a Kindergarten class and Harley still at her pre-school that she loves……these three gals in three different schools keeps their Mom quite busy and for us, they love to visit Museum Tower and do so frequently, where they continue to light up of our lives!