As the holidays are here, I feel a little late in getting to this but you know, I’ve taken it for granted too many years. However, I have decided right now, however late in this season it may be, I have to call attention to one of my most favorite fashion tips that makes me happy!
I don’t have to sugar coat it: I’m obsessed with the color RED. If you know me, you know I wear a touch of red every day with my glasses and lipstick. Red signifies more than just the holidays to me… it’s a fiery symbol that radiates power, confidence, passion, love but of course, at this time of year, joy!
The team at MRG has gathered together some of our top red inspirations for the winter months. In this post, we detail the importance of the color RED in fashion and explain how you can add it into your wardrobe. Keep reading to see the reasons we love RED, get inspired with our selection, and shop some amazing products in our favorite hue!

I’ve also quoted my ‘fashion idol’ of my career, Diana Vreeland who was known to have a passionate feeling for this power color. She is photographed and quoted many times on this famous favorite of hers. She has said…
“I can’t imagine becoming bored with RED–it would be like becoming bored with the person you love!”
Here’s a little secret: I know i’ve said this many times in my “myredglasses life” but truth is RED looks good on everyone and pairs with pretty much anything. It’s actually become a ‘neutral’ in that it is far more versatile than you’d expect! I am not alone in my passion for this bold shade. Fashion experts, of which Ms. Vreeland was only one of many, love it! Another example of DV’s feelings for this glorious color…
“Red is the great clarifier: bright, cleansing and revealing. It makes all colors look beautiful.”
Diana Vreeland

Styling Tip: We always say here at MyRedGlasses that the best way to embrace a trend or a color is with accessories or shoes first. This method works especially well if you are normally a neutral dresser and want to add in some bright colors. It’s easy to test the waters with a shoe, a bag, a headband, or a phone case… just a little pop of color! On the other hand, if you are a “color person” and love bright shades of pink, orange, turquoise, cobalt blue or other neutrals like brown, navy or grey, a pop of red adds a special touch of glam to your look… and fashion newness particularly for this season!
“Revolutions are ignited by it, the camera loves it and people go to court over it – no other colour has the extraordinary appeal of RED,” says British Vogue’s Charlotte Sinclair.
Despite its boldness, the color RED can be surprisingly versatile and flattering if you know just how to style it. This season, consider incorporating RED into your wardrobe in a way that complements your personal style and the holiday spirit and beyond.

We agree with Sinclair that sometimes “a dose of RED is all that will do.” So we encourage you to embrace this now if you haven’t already after all, look ahead, we still have February, Heart Month, (Heart Ball, maybe?) to look forward to but this popular hue is no longer a holiday only idea!!