Chelsi here to share with you something that I have been working on developing for some time. As a Beauty Consultant, I have partnered in co-founding this new product category that can make a difference!
Certain categories are booming right now in the retail world. All things hair, skincare, basically anything to do with self-care and wellness is extremely popular while Peloton bikes and home gym equipment are in scarce supply. One thing you may not realize is booming – natural deodorants. I know, not a very sexy category but something we all use (hopefully!).
In the past 24 months, this category has blown up with several players entering the category. If going “natural” has been of interest to you but you were never ready to make the jump, honey, there is no better time than now. You are stuck at home with no one to see so this is the perfect time to switch up your deodorant game risk-free!
So what is natural deodorant and what’s the big deal? Well, it comes down to aluminum. Typical antiperspirants contain aluminum or aluminum salts that coat the underarm skin and plug your sweat glands, which is how they control sweat. Now, why they have yet to connect the dots to whether or not putting that aluminum so close to the lymph nodes that live under your arm and your breast tissue is harmless or not (please do your research because there are a lot of articles on this!), I decided a long time ago that it wasn’t worth the risk to wait and find out.
Full disclosure time! There are a few things you need to know before making the switch…
One…there can be a transition time! That’s why there is no better time than now in our social distanced world to give this a go! If you have been using an antiperspirant for years, it takes time for the aluminum to fully leave the skin. Also when switching, your skin’s pH balance needs to reset and there can be a stinky day or two, but I think it is worth it in order to use a cleaner product.
Two…with natural deodorants, you will sweat. I know, I know….but sweating is the body’s natural detoxing process. This may be hard to believe, but after using a natural deodorant for a couple of weeks, I believe I actually sweat less now.
Now that I have said all of that, below are a few of my favorites that have worked for me. Please click on the link above each picture to check out purchasing these items right here!
Cleo & Coco True Blue Charcoal Deodorant

I found this brand a few years ago at the Indie Beauty Expo in NYC. I bought a stick on site because I was so intrigued with their product and I remember them also being so very nice (and I like nice people). The rounded stick glides nicely and covers the area sufficiently with a few swipes. The fragrance is soft and contains charcoal, which naturally detoxifies the skin, and essential oils to help mask odor.

This is a natural deodorant that uses fun colors in their packaging that brighten up your day. It contains a blend of sage, sandalwood and horsetail plant that protect against certain bacteria to help stop odor. It is baking soda free and alcohol free, making it a great option for sensitive skin.
Kinko Microbiomix Balancing Deodorant

OK, I saved the best for last. OK, not really because deodorant is such a personal preference but this my favorite…probably because I am the brand’s co-founder. This natural deodorant is a serum like texture that applies and dries clear and works with your skin’s microbiome to stop odor. Micro-what? Our bodies are covered in trillions of microorganisms and every product we apply causes a reaction of some sort. This formula works to nurture the good bacteria and neutralize the bad to keep sweat odorless.
I can go on and on about the skin’s biome (let me know in the comments below if you want to hear more about that) but for now these are my 3 picks for you to give a go during our distanced world. You may be asking why I didn’t suggest Native, Schmidt’s, etc. Those brands contain baking soda, which can neutralize odor, but also disrupts the acid mantle of the skin and can cause irritation. My skin breaks out with baking-said based products hence why they didn’t make my list.
So will you be making the switch? With such great options available, there is no reason to keep using aluminum on your body…or your husband’s or your children’s bodies either! Now is a great time to try it!!