I started this year with all of the intentions of making it “my year”. For once I was going to make ME the priority and take some positive action to do the right things for myself. Well this year turned out to be just the opposite for me……two moves, downsizing my life and selling my home in addition to expanded working trips to Italy made for anything but ‘me time’!
However, timing became favorable in my direction when a twist of fate, introduced me to DEBORAH MICHELSON, the BEST ESTETICIAN, in our city…….don’t take just my word for it, we met at a party where she was being honored for being voted just that by the Houston Modern Luxury Magazine readers poll. We chatted and shortly after that she and I and Lynette Davis, owner of Bella Rinova Salon & Spa, where Deborah and her fabulous atelier suite reside, met up, collaborated on a get together for me and then the fun began. One look at me, who was not a facial-regular to the extreme, and it didn’t take a pro like Deborah long to evaluate my face and say that I needed, not one but two facials to just bring me up to speed. So, lucky me, I was treated to not one but two amazing visits with Deborah and true facial-religion (if there is such a thing?!) is now mine! I went, I indulged and I became a believer……I actually ‘glowed’ after this talented expert did what she does so well.
So for once, I not only received some of the amazing tips that I have heard about and shared with my readers on beauty, skincare and anti-aging techniques but I can now share even more with all of you from my very personal first-hand experience through a Q & A with Deborah during my duo facial experiences……….

So, first about the lady…..
MRG: Tell us about YOU!? How did you get into this business? Is it something you always wanted to do or was there a life-change the prompted this?
DM: It definitely wasn’t my plan, but I always loved skincare. I always bought what I could afford, and most often what I couldn’t, but I always knew it was a priority to aging well. Unexpectedly, my husband passed away. Soon after I had an epiphany to pursue skincare. Within those thirty seconds, I knew 1000% percent that it was the right choice. I never looked back. The connections I have made with other women and my clients have been so rewarding. I knew it was a business of the future based on pure instinct and I knew I could work until 100 years of age! It has served me well!
MRG: Tell us more about you……share with us your daily beauty regime?
DM: I cleanse, use eye cream, 2-3 serums, moisturizer, finishing serum and sunscreen. It sounds extensive, but the benefits make it worthwhile.
MRG: I know that you love to use ice cold H20……how do you use it? How do you suggest ladies at home can use it?
DM: I recommend it! It cuts down on inflammation and redness. Best used with distilled water to cleans and use the cryo sticks. My clients especially find it to be a wonderful relief in the summer months.
MRG: As many of us are busy women that are mostly time starved, can you tell me are there any old principles that you live by that you think are the minimum that we must do to get out the door?
DM: Cleanse, double cleanse, hydrate, sunscreen and repeat. Plus, my secret weapon is that I am never without my P50 Lotion by Biologique Recherche. I discovered it three years ago and it has become a game changer. I never have build up of dead skin, as it has a built in exfoliator. It’s truly brilliant!

My experience…..
MRG: I found your facial to be very different…..you mentioned that you approach each facial as being made for the individual? How? In what way would they vary?
DM: No two facials are alike! I really inspect the skin by looking at the skin-type, their age, and whether or not they have a special occasion they’re preparing for, personal needs, mending from other products or even past procedures. There are so many layers to it, quite literally.
MRG: There appears to be a goal among many women now to have ‘glowing’ skin with an end result towards a trend to many of us to wear less & less make-up? (should we be working toward feeling ‘secure in our own skin’?)
DM: Yes, the natural beauty trend is all the rage. More specifically, a healthy looking skin that breaths without having to wear makeup. They’re interested in achieving that glow with healthy looking skin. Striving for a clear complexion, lift, and ultimately, confidence.
MRG: Speaking of trends in skincare, are there any new skincare trends that are exciting for you right now?
DM: The Biologique Recherche Machine is not new to the market, but new to my atelier and the benefits are astounding. Plus, the masking trend is huge and I don’t foresee that going away any time soon either. More and more people are masking at night and glowing in the morning! My go-to is the Creme Masque Vernix by Biologique Recherche.
MRG: What about your Machine? What does it do? (lifting for anti-aging?) I know you love it…..how did you find it?
DM: The Biologique Recherche Remodeling Face! It’s been in the Biologique Recherche family for over 35 years and I’m honored to finally have it to offer my clients here in Houston. It contours the face, lifts and plumps the skin. The results are immediate and each session builds upon the next. It’s been named the “Non-invasive face-lift” and perfect for any age group!
Some insider tips….

MRG: Please tell me about the chocolate that you keep in your room that you offer at the end of a session? Are you a chocolate lover? What is the significance of that gesture?
DM: I love a good parting gift and I searched high and low for the best chocolate and I gratefully stumbled across Jean Kelly Chocolates. I love that you only need one to feel satisfied and get your chocolate fix. They are beyond decadent and rich on every level. And, besides, I love chocolate! It ends the facial on a sweet note! Hoping that each clients feels special and cared for, each and every time!
About the products…..

Because there was so much that I learned during my two visits with this exceptional woman and also, we don’t want this to be the blog post that you have to take an intermission from reading……I’m asking you to come back again when I have more of Deborah’s amazing selections from the Biologique Recherech product line to share with you!!!
In closing……

MRG: What do you find to be the most gratifying aspect of your job?
DM: I absolutely love my job! The people and the smiles when they leave, makes me love it over and over again! I cannot imagine doing anything else.
……and then there’s this
MRG: Also, is there anything about you that we would not know……..something special?
DM: Honestly, I love decorating! I clearly am not a professional, but I love a beautiful home with beautiful things. It’s a perfect way to unwind from my busiest of days and rest in leisure. I prop up my feet and take it in!
photos courtesy of Natalie Ariz, The Impeccable Find
It sounds intriguing. Thank you for sharing your experience.