To all of my friends (who happen to be followers or should it be the other way around???!!),
I am attempting with this newsletter to set you up with some good info for a great summer. Lots of helpful hints, plus a couple of memories to cherish……a great evening and a Houston icon. It’s an upcoming season that we all worked hard for this year and deserve some quiet time to use for contemplating our futures. For me, it will be a time to put a temp hault to my newsletter for a bit and work steadily on some long-needed updates/changes……and refreshes post-pandemic that I’ve wanted to execute but have been far too busy with this whirlwind of a “comeback year” that we have had!! So stay tuned for a hopefully better MyRedGlasses for all of you.
Speaking of “better”. In my search to improve all of my communications, I will be sending a survey to all of you very shortly……I’m working on a special prize or two as an incentive if you do it (stay tuned as I will include that in the survey newsletter!). I really want honest info and critiques on what I do for you, what I don’t and how to make it all more useful. I know that we are all busy and have very full inboxes so I want to ensure that I earn your “OPEN” to my email!!
Social Media will continue for the summer but may be a little less as well…..as I get a feeling from all of you that this summer may be truly a chill period that we all earned!
If you’re staying around…..good luck and look on the bright side of humidity, all that moisture keeps you looking young for much longer, right, isn’t that why we go to a sauna??! If you are the lucky ones that go away……I am jealous, of course, but wish you the best and remind you to not leave your computers/phones at home. Don’t want to miss chatting with you all too much!
Happy Summer my friends!
xo, Roz