So for many of us, we are experiencing many missed experiences that are coming back at a rapid speed this Spring Season. Not many are more fun to experience than the Salvation Army’s Annual Reflections on Style Luncheon and accompanying Chic Boutique that brings out the best, if slightly worn, designer duds of many of Houston’s most stylish women. These closet giveaways have come from many of our town’s very generous women who annually do a clean-out for a cause…..the Salvation Army and all of its many projects that benefit from this always successful fundraiser.
This season you can head over to 5510 Weslayan, in the Randall’s Shopping Center where I was lucky enough to take a quick peak this week. It may be the two years of build-up but the large space appeared to be jammed packed with lots and lots of great designer merchandise, more than in the past. The women who volunteer tirelessly for this project, have done an awesome job this year under the leadership of Co-Chairs Maggie Austin and Pam Sengelmann to totally organize and merchandise it in such a way that will making shopping so much easier as you look at the many many racks of great pickings!!
Prices are pretty unbelievable…..whether you luck upon a Chanel, a Valentino, or in my case, an always favorite of mine that I zoom into in the expanded Accessories areaa is the slightly worn designer shoes. Manolos for $75 in great shape, a must buy for me!! Also a plus this year is that they have also expanded the collection of local retailers that have contributed to the sale…….Elizabeth Anthony, Cotton Club, Caruggi to name a few. There were many prices that were so low that I had to do a double-take. Don’t miss it…..it’s lots of fun bargain hunting and doing it for such a good cause make it worth it!
Details of days and time are below…….
Chic Boutique co-chairs Maggie Austin & Pam Senglemann
Chic Boutique Showroom co-chairs Sara Burchfield & Frances Villagomez-Howard
Dates and Times are April 13-16, following the exclusive ROCC luncheon shopping. Early shopping at Chic Boutique is 4 till 7 p.m. with a $20 donation required. Free admission shopping continues April 14 through April 16 from 10 am to 5 pm daily.
The Chic Boutique is located at Weslayan Plaza, 5510 Weslayan St., (former Famous Footwear store), Houston, TX 77005.
Contact: Stick Delaup, 713-202-2146
For more information about The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary please visit sawahouston.org LEARN MORE