With fall comes back to school, busy schedules, holidays, and oftentimes less time to shop in the stores, which means more shopping online. No, not such a bad thing! While we are all about shopping local, as you know, online shopping can be great, too, and is rather convenient, particularly when things get extra busy like in the fall and winter seasons (and when it gets cold and you just want to cozy up under the covers with your laptop). Plus did we say how much fun this ease-of-shopping could be?!!!
Julie here today, and I’m about to give you a ‘lesson’ of sorts. In fact, I wrote this article a couple years back, but with the ever changing landscape of all things digital, I figured I’d do a little refresher. Don’t worry, though; I’m not bringing you back to the days of school, homework, and dull assignments. Today’s lesson has to do with shopping! How fun is that, right?
Most of you may already know, but there are a number of ways one can shop via the My Red Glasses website. In fact, it’s actually quite easy to do, and we want to make sure you’re aware of how to do so, especially if you’re not in the stores as much these days. Let’s get into it, shall we?
Lesson 1: Individual Links
Oftentimes, we’ll be talking about a specific item we love, and we’ll link to it within the blog post. Any time something is linked (whether it be a product, an article, and so on) you’ll see it highlighted in RED. Sometimes we might say “click here” and the word “here” will be the link. However, other times, we might just mention the item in a sentence (i.e. She wore the most beautiful blouse to the party). “Most beautiful blouse” is linked directly to said blouse we’re speaking of, so you just click it, and you’ll be brought directly to the retailer’s website to shop the item (or any other item on the website).
Lesson 2: Shop the Post
Something else we do quite often is what we like to call “shop the post.” Typically, you’ll find this at the end of a post or, sometimes, even in the middle of one. It looks like a slideshow (example directly below). Usually it’ll say something like “Shop our favorite fall sweaters below!” and then you’ll see the slideshow full of products. All you do is click directly on the product you’re interested in, and it’ll take you to the retailer’s website to learn more about the product and shop it along with anything else on that retailer’s website. As well, depending on how many items we’re featuring, you may also have the option to click left and right to see even more of the products (like in the one below).
[show_shopthepost_widget id=”2694672″]
Lesson 3: Boutique
We haven’t used this “boutique” option as much, but it’s another great way to shop, and you will see it in various posts. You can see an example of one in this Goop post. At the bottom of the post, you’ll see rows of product (I’ve also put it directly below for easy reference). That is what we call a “boutique.” Again, all you do is click the product you’re interested in and it’ll take you directly to the retailer’s website.
[show_boutique_widget id=”606761″]
Lesson 4: Collage
We have done plenty of collages, so we know you’re familiar with those. Click here to see an example of a post with one. There are two ways to shop these collages. The more common way on our site is simply by clicking on the links directly below the collage. You’ll see numbers by each product in the collage, and then corresponding numbers and descriptions below it. Another way you might sometimes see on our site is with each product within the collage linked directly. This means, you would be able to click the actual product image within the collage, and it’ll take you directly to the retailer’s website. Both ways are easy peasy! And both take you to the retailer’s website to shop shop shop!
And there you have it! If you have any questions at all, please be sure to ask in the comments below. I’d be happy to go into further detail on anything. And, as a disclaimer, depending on the brand and/or item, My Red Glasses might receive a small commission on sales. By you shopping via MRG it helps to keep the website you know and love alive! As always, thank you so much for your support and happy shopping!
Image borrowed from Bloglovin’