Please mark your calendars for Saturday night, June 1, 2024 at River Oaks Country Club where Chairs, Franci Willis and Bernie Falco will be hosting a celebration of the 32 years of service to our community provided by the Houston Furniture Bank. The HFB has continued to furnish hope to families in need by providing essential furniture for their homes. The No Kids On The Floor Gala benefiting Houston Furniture Bank, will continue to showcase all that this organization does to “Make Empty Houses Homes” a motto that they continue to strive for.
The memorable evening will include cocktails, dinner, and an exclusive auction. This year as a special treat, the Houston Furniture Bank will be recognizing its Legacy Honorees: Hoffer Furniture/The Hoffer Family; Finger Furniture/The Finger Family; and Star Furniture/The Wolff Family for their long-standing compassionate and devoted commitment to help further the mission of the Houston Furniture Bank.
Every night, thousands of children in our city sleep on cold, hard floors. Houston Furniture Bank strives to offer mattresses to the families they assist and bring the gift of an answered “Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep” praver for a good night’s sleep to children in need. A bed is a basic need for the proper physical, emotional, and mental support that a child needs. Giving a bed to a child affects them emotionally and mentally in ways far beyond just sleeping comfortably, giving them hope for a better future. None of this would be possible without many supporters in our community.
Please join Chairs Franci Willis and Bernie Falco in making the No Kids On The Floor Gala a huge success by making plans to attend this event…..(limited seats still available)or better yet by becoming an event sponsor. Sponsorship opportunities are available on their site, or you may go to houstonfurniturebank.org/nokidsonthefloorgala to purchase tables, tickets, and other underwriting opportunities. For more information, please contact 713.842.9771, ext. 120 or events@houstonfurniturebank.org.
Thank you in advance for your kind consideration and the impact it will have on the many children in our community. On behalf of HFB Gala Chairs, Houston Furniture Bank and their efforts to make ours a city where no kid sleeps on the floor, we hope to see you there!