From Chelsi: A million moons ago when I was pregnant, I prayed that my children would inherit my teeth (weird, but mine have always been healthy and straight) and my hair. My hair is fine but thick, never gets frizzy, and for 40 years, I never once had to color it because the sun would pop in the right highlights. I used to obsess over my hair – using various oils and masks for hydration, only cutting it dry – dedicating time to keep my locks in pristine condition. Somewhere along the journey of life, that stopped. I could blame long hours at the office, kids, etc., but I stopped caring about my hair.
Enter COVID-19 and quarantine life. While we can all agree that we wish this “new” way of life never happened, it has been interesting to see the shifts in the beauty industry and in my own personal habits and routines. Even though I had no one to go see, my hair became a top priority. And I was not the only one! The hair category has been booming thanks to quarantine life, but now that we are living semi-normal lives again, hair products are still reigning supreme.
A ton of innovation in scientific and clean formulas have hit the market over the past year. Here’s a list of faves to get your tresses in top shape fast!
It Starts with the Scalp
Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp. Giving a little love to your scalp unclogs hair follicles, stimulates growth, gets rid of any dry skin, and a good scalp massage just feels good!
The Work Horses
Shampoos and Conditioners are easy to skimp on but look for products that have key ingredients to suit your needs, be it hydration, curl retention, or even hair loss.
This is the fun part and IMO is reason the hair business is booming. Why, you ask? While I am typing, I literally have an Olaplex treatment in my hair (and have their new No.4P in my Sephora cart!) . It has become so easy to multi-task….I can work and look-a-mess with a hair mask, serum, oil, whatever in my hair and I couldn’t be happier!

Now that we actually have places to go, there are some great new styling products, especially with clean formulas, that I have become a big fan of to make my locks stay lovely.
I am so happy that I have found my love of hair products again! All of this would never replace our favorite hair stylists and the magic they create, but adding a little of our own fairy dust in the way of top-rated products can keep that magic last a little longer.
by Chelsi Oestreich
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