Evening in the Park…..

A favorite local event brings in $700,000 for the care and improvements of Hermann Park

Evening in the Park 2024: A Gala Night of Elegance and Philanthropy at Hermann Park

Evening in the Park

If ever there was a night that married style with heartfelt charity, it was at Hermann Park’s annual “Evening in the Park” gala. Held on a starlit Friday in the heart of one of Houston’s most iconic green spaces, this event was more than just a gathering; it was a grand celebration of community, style, and the transformative power of nature.

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Hermann Park Conservancy Evening in the Park Co-Chairs: Jay Jones, Terry Wayne Jones, Shawn Stephens and Jim Jordan

As we arrived at Molly Ann Smith Plaza, the atmosphere was charged with the kind of elegant energy that only spring and this favorite city-wide event in Houston can bring. The evening began with the option of a fun ride aboard the newly routed Hermann Park Railroad, whisking us through the Commons and past the new art installation, “Scattering Surface” by Alyson Shotz, near McGovern Lake. It was as if we were transported into a living, breathing art gallery under the open skies.

Approximately 500 of Houston’s most stylish set gathered in their finest spring garden-ready cocktail attire, creating a tableau of fashion that was as vibrant as the blossoms surrounding us. The event commenced at Lindsey Plaza, where guests mingled over exquisite hors d’oeuvres while the setting sun painted the sky in hues of pink and gold.

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Evening in the Park Honorees…..Stephanie Tsuru and Cece Fowler

This year’s gala was particularly special, celebrating the completion of significant projects like the McWilliams Dog Park and the revitalization and grand opening of The Commons, the newest expansion, several years (four) in the making. The heartfelt efforts of co-chairs Cece Fowler and Stephanie Tsuru were honored, alongside H-E-B for its unwavering support. Jay Jones, Terry Wayne Jones, Shawn Stephens, and Jim Jordan meticulously coordinated this enchanting evening, ensuring every detail reflected the park’s beauty and heritage.

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Founders of McWilliams Dog Park……Laura & Brad McWilliams

As we dined on delectable dishes catered by City Kitchen, Conservancy board chair Kristy Bradshaw captured everyone’s attention with her passionate recount of the Play Your Park campaign’s journey, encapsulating the spirit of the evening.

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Hermann Park Conservancy Board Chair Kristy Bradshaw & Chris Bradshaw

“To see project renderings come to life and exceed our wildest imaginations is truly amazing,” Kristy Bradshaw, Conservancy Board Chair remarked in her passionate recount of the Play Your Park campaign journey.

The emotional highlight came as Doreen Stoller, stepping down this summer after 21 years, shared her reflections. “Have you ever had a dream come true? How many times have you hoped and planned and imagined and had the reality be even better?” Stoller asked the crowd. “That’s how the Commons, The McWilliams Dog Park and the incredible artwork by Alyson Shotz, soon to be joined by one by Anthony Suber has turned out.” To see a dream exceed your expectations is a rare and beautiful thing,” she told the assembled guests, her words echoing the collective sentiment of accomplishment and pride we all felt, as Conservancy Board Members, and for Doreen, our leader who made all of this happen.

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Outgoing Conservancy President stepping down after 21 years at Hermann Park…….Doreen Stoller & Dan Piette

The evening crescendoed with heartfelt speeches, a decadent dessert buffet, and a dance floor alive with energy at the Pioneer Obelisk. DJ Mav’s tunes ensured the night ended on a high note, with everyone from dedicated philanthropists to city officials and fashionable influencers sharing in the joy.

“Evening in the Park” is not just an event; it’s a reminder of the power of collective effort and the beauty of giving back, all wrapped up in a fabulous soirée under the stars. As we celebrate these moments, we also look forward to the future projects that will continue to enhance our beloved Hermann Park.

Remember, when style meets philanthropy, magic happens. Here’s to many more glamorous nights and generous hearts at Hermann Park!

Until next time, stay inspired…..view some of the many attendants of this lovely night in the Park below…..

Photography courtesy of Priscilla Dickson

About Roz Pactor

I am a fashion and marketing consultant and blogger based in Houston, Texas. With more than three decades of experience in fashion retailing that has spanned Foley’s, Neiman Marcus and Bloomingdale’s NYC, I have earned a reputation for delivering expertise, energy and enthusiasm to my roster of clients. I have remained closely connected with designer women’s fashion as well as the misses, teens, men’s and children’s apparel and accessories markets from coast to coast.

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