Come and meet Artist Rachel Gardner and Share the Beauty of Her Wearable Art….


Next Thursday, August 22 please join us and stop by Foltz Gallery on Westheimer and experience a botanical wonderland as our friend Rachel Schwind Gardner is there to show and tell you about her newest approach to sculpting that can bring beauty into your life just by experiencing it or even better by making some of these very special pieces your own!

Rachel’s showing of her newest collection premiered at Foltz Gallery on Saturday, July 27 for a month long stay, which ends August 24. The excitement amongst the crowd that Saturday was overwhelming and reaction was so much greater than anticipated that Rachel basically sold out to people like me and is working feverishly to restock for the balance of the show. To see more about Rachel’s Foltz Gallery showing, click on this link for local CityBook coverage: Link :

Rachel Gardner
Debbie Schwind, Rachel Gardner at Opening Party, Foltz Gallery July 27

So then what happened?.……Rachel, her Mom Debbie Schwind, Crystin Pactor and myself headed to San Miguel Allende on a pre-planned trip that became a laboratory for her to find even more inspiration from that beautiful art-filled/floral-filled city and she began to create more only moments after stepping off the plane in H-town. The result from this hard-working young powerhouse is what you can see next week at the Foltz Gallery.

Yours truly, Rachel Gardner, Sarah Foltz……July 27th Opening Foltz Gallery

Please stop by and have a glass of vino, meet Rachel and see her many newest creations. We’d love to have you as I co-host with Sara Foltz of Foltz Fine Art and we would love to know if you are coming, so please RSVP to me at or text me on my cell at 713-557-3323.

To see some of the special pieces that Rachel will have with her at the Gallery please take a look below…..

About Roz Pactor

I am a fashion and marketing consultant and blogger based in Houston, Texas. With more than three decades of experience in fashion retailing that has spanned Foley’s, Neiman Marcus and Bloomingdale’s NYC, I have earned a reputation for delivering expertise, energy and enthusiasm to my roster of clients. I have remained closely connected with designer women’s fashion as well as the misses, teens, men’s and children’s apparel and accessories markets from coast to coast.

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