Holiday seasons are filled with fun, friends and family, and too much food that can leave us with unwanted pounds. One too many of mom’s tasty temptations, combined with busy schedules leaving little time for exercise, can equate to an easy 5-10 pound weight gain each year between Halloween and the New Year.
Planning some holiday eating strategies is the key to a trimmer season...
*Never go to a party hungry – eat a pre-party snack such as a steaming bowl of broth, small fresh salad or raw vegetables and low-calorie dip.·
*Do not stand around the food table. Position yourself far from the buffet table, where the next bite is not within arm’s reach, so you do not end up mindlessly munching.·
*Watch your alcohol intake. Alcohol contributes a lot of calories. If you drink, alternate each alcoholic drink with a non-alcoholic beverage, such as sparkling water with lime. If you prefer wine, you can ask the bartender to add some sparkling water and enjoy a refreshing spritzer.

*Steer clear of creamy, high-fat drinks like eggnog, which can pack 460 calories and 20 grams of fat per cup.·
*Offer to bring a low calorie item that you can fill up on.
*Be the talk of the town. If you are chatting, you should not be chewing! Busy yourself by working the room. You will save calories and you may meet some interesting people. That is what parties are really about, anyway.·
*Tighten up. Wear snug-fitting clothing to the affair and you will be more aware of feeling full. You will stop eating before you have eaten too many Pigs in the Blanket.·
*Carry a clutch handbag instead of a shoulder bag. Your hands will be kept busy and it will be harder to reach for hors d’oeuvres.
*Think small. Reach for a small plate when passing through the buffet line; choose the smallest cookie out of the batch. If dining out, watch your portion sizes. You can easily avoid unwanted weight gain without forgoing the food.
Try some of these tactics to help you finish the year strong!
— Buon Appetit for a joyful holiday party season
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