Staying at home, lack of routine and eating due to stress can easily lead many Americans to gain weight during this time of quarantine. We all yearn for life to get back to normal, but what about getting back to BETTER? Staying at home has taken away many of the obstacles that cause us to overeat or make unhealthy food options. We currently cannot travel, social events are canceled and eating at restaurants is on hold. This is leading more Americans to cook at home and most of us have more time to exercise as well.

Here are a few tips to help you come out of quarantine BETTER
- First, develop a sleep schedule: It is easy to stay up late watching Netflix. Now that we are settling into a routine for the long haul, it is important to have a bed time routine. You may still go to bed later than you would during normal times, however, be consistent with your bedtime. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night. With adequate sleep you are less likely to overeat during the day time. Adequate sleep also increases your immunity!

- Secondly, develop a meal schedule: The goal is to eat every 3-4 hours to keep your energy level up and to prevent overeating at meals. Start your day with a balanced breakfast of whole grains, fruit and protein. 3-4 hours later eat lunch. You can stay with your brown bag lunch that you eat during the work day or many are eating leftovers. Everyone will need an afternoon snack that contains a balance of protein and carbohydrates. I love snacks that include fruit and dairy. These are 2 food groups that many of us lack daily. Example: 1 cup of berries mixed in a low sugar yogurt, string cheese and 2 clementines. Other favorites include hummus and vegetables or a banana with 1 tablespoon of nut butter. Finally, dinner should include half of your plate with vegetables, ¼ from lean protein and ¼ from whole grains. The goal is to eat 7-10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Fruits and vegetables are very important in boosting your immune system. Most of us have more time right now so I encourage eating whole foods with high nutrient value versus processed snacks. Remember to go to the refrigerator when you are hungry instead of the pantry.

- Next, move daily: Being at home can promote a more sedentary lifestyle as we sit in front of a computer or television for much of the day. This could be running, biking, strength training and daily walks with your family. Any type of movement is good for our bodies, so have a dance party! Many websites and apps are offering free virtual workouts. Check out Define Body, one of our favorites.

- Increase water intake: This is a great time to increase your water intake. Water is used in every cell in the body, so everything works better when you are well hydrated. You will have more energy, better digestion, and a better ability to fight off viruses. Aim for half of your body weight in ounces of hydrating fluid per day. Hydrating fluid includes water, milk, sparkling water, decaffeined tea and coffee. Increase your fluid intake slowly. You will have to go to the restroom more often, but luckily it is right down the hall! Over time, your body will adjust to your increased fluid intake and you will not have to go so much. Thirst can often be mistaken for hunger, therefore, staying hydrated can reduce your caloric intake.

- Alcohol in moderation: Stress and Zoom happy hours may have increased your alcohol intake during the quarantine. The additional alcohol can add calories to your day and it increases your hunger so that you are likely to munch more. Alcohol also leads to disrupted sleep patterns and dehydration which leave you feeling not your best the next day. Aim for consuming your alcohol on the weekends or get back to moderation during the week.

- Lastly, focus on specific nutrition goals: If you have specific nutrition goals during this time period, I highly recommend logging your food on paper or in an app such as My Fitness Pal. This helps you see how many calories you are taking in per day and where those calories are coming from. The accountability when logging helps people to eat less and make better choices. People who log their food lose 50% more weight on average than those who do not.

I am a believer of the 80/20 rule. None of us eat perfectly nor should we. Any food can fit into a healthy lifestyle. Aim to eat whole, nutrient dense foods 80% of the time and have fun 20% of the time whether that be a takeout meal from a local restaurant, alcohol on the weekends or a sweet treat.
Let’s see what we can do to come out of this quarantine as a healthier society! If you would like individual help with your nutrition and wellness, we would love to help you with a personal plan. Email us at info@adviceforeating.com.

About Catherine Kruppa: (https://adviceforeating.com) She earned her Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences and Master of Science in Nutrition from Texas A&M University. She is a registered, licensed dietitian, and wellness coach. She is also Board Certified in Sports Nutrition and nutrition consultant for Green Plate Foods. She specializes in weight management, sports nutrition, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, endometriosis, heart disease, and pediatric nutrition. Catherine was a member of the Texas A&M Varsity Diving Team and is currently an active member of the running community in Houston. She has competed in 6 triathlons, including two ½ Ironmans, 17 marathons, 3 ultramarathons and is a 14 time Boston marathon qualifier. Catherine provides nutrition tips for Houston’s KSBJ FM 89.3 and nationally syndicated KLOVE radio.
Catherine is a frequent speaker for many organizations and businesses. She speaks on various topics in the area of nutrition. She has also presented programs for Channel 13 News Health Beat, Channel 2 News, Channel 8 Midday Show and Fox News. She also appears regularly on the LiveWell Network for ABC. Catherine worked as the local dietitian for the 2004, 2008 and 2012 US Olympic Diving Teams as well as for Former President George H. W. Bush, Olympic Gold Medalists Laura Wilkinson and David Boudia.