It’s time again to join bpptours back across the pond as we head to Florence, Italy and the Tuscan region once again for another awesome visit. I love both times of the year that we are there but I must say after the torture of the warm months of summer, it is always especially delightful to venture there just as the cooler days of the season are upon us.
It always feels so special to get back to the exciting city of Florence. It feels like we were just in Tuscany and visiting my amazing homeland as it was in fact, just a few short months ago. However, it is that time for our final Tuscan trip of the 2019 year with BPP Tours and our newest set of travel friends.
We are heading out this weekend and have our walking shoes ready and our eyes wide open for all of the amazing things that we will get to see and experience. From the street scene and the culture of this amazing Renaissance city combined with the shopping of Florence and nearby towns to the beautiful hillsides of Tuscany and amazing wine country….the experience is that of building a lasting memory! Shopping, as always will have some new spots that I will be trying and I’m totally ready for some great wine tastings and cooking lessons once again. I must say that I am finally mastering pasta-making after all of these many sessions and look forward to it once again!
Please stay tuned if Italy is one of the places that you love as I will be ‘socializing’ online with everyone through my Instagram and Facebook photos that I hope you will enjoy. Also, since my focus will be many things Italian this coming week, you may see a little more Italy from MRG in your Inbox in the coming days. So many of you ask for more and more info on what we are seeing and experiencing while we are there, so to you, I say, stay tuned! It will still be business-as-usual as well, but I know there will be much newness to report from this magnificent region of Italy in the days ahead.
Just to give you a hint of what to expect from us, I have highlighted a few photos from our last trip…….if you love them, leave me a comment and I will gladly set a date to tell you more!
Would love to learn more about your future trips.
P.S. we have a mutual friend in Sandra Porter.
Absolutely planning 2020 now……please reach out to me around mid-October when I’m back in Houston. Would love to share more!
I loved my BPP tour with you and MA and will go again one day soon. Travel safe and have a fabulous time. Xo
Thanks Rae……we loved being with you and hope you will come back with us again……soon!!! xoxo
Have a safe trip…..xoxox You!
Have a great trip and stay safe! Shirley Ezell
Have a fabulous trip!! Will you get to see MA while you’re there? She is constantly in my thoughts.
Well it seems like we continue to go to Italy at the same time. I leave for
Italy again next week. I was going to contact you after we finished the production of the fashion for passion event so we could meet Thank you for the great coverage on Kimora and Cesar along with promoting this event
So maybe after this Italy trip we can meet. Have a safe and enjoyable time
Ciao bella!
Would love that…..let’s definitely get together post-Italy. Where to for you???